Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Mickey Mouse is not owned by me. He's owned by Walt Disney and the Disney corporation.

Mickey Mouse is not my intellectual property.

Final Project: Mickey the Fighter!

At last! The Final Project is complete, and Mickey's able to move and pose!
Look how cool he looks!
 Well, he doesn't look much different, but the background sure is.
Like a giant stage!
This was because Mickey's fur is black, which blends in with the rest of the open void-less space. So this helps people see where Mickey's head begins and ends.

But back to Mickey, let's see him in action!
Ready? Go!

And pose!
The hardest part through all of this was key framing every single joint, making sure it moved at the right speed at the right time.

I only say that because when I sent a certain limb somewhere, it didn't react the way I wanted it to.
So many joints...
But I'm happy with how it came out!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Final Plans: Maya Mouse

The final is coming up fast, and I want to animate my Mickey Mouse model.
You know, from the midterm.
First of all, I want him to be able to blink. I figured that'd be the very least I could do. But I mainly want to make him move and do something.
Maybe juggling?
That is a good idea. But I also might want to have Mickey fight or throw a punch.
That mouse is quite the scrapper anyways.
But no matter what, it's all a matter of key frames and moving, since I got the skeleton keyed up nice and in synch with the icon's body. This is gonna be great, I just know it!

Heck, this might go in the Winter showcase next year~

Lowman Power!

So with the animated person for the Spring showcase, I chose to have my Lowman model bounce on a trampoline!
Looks like fun!
Only thing is, the trampoline isn't physically there, but more of imagined that the floor is bouncy. Oh, and on the third bounce, he ends up falling into a endless pit.
Wait, what?
Yep. I wanted my Lowman to be comical, and perhaps a little symbolic. We imagine that he's jumping on a trampoline, but we see blackness. Meaning that nothing is really there.

By that time, Lowman figures this out and falls into the blackened void. Or he snaps the trampoline and falls down.

Either way, seeing him in the Spring Showcase made a lot of people happy and laugh. I'm glad I could do that to them.